Tumblr Adhd Problems Funny Tourettes Jokes

me: *gets new tic*

the character/oc I've projected my tourette's onto: haha i'm in danger

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:) I just love when my disability (Tourette Syndrome) gets turned into a joke :)

:) I love when non-disabled people are allowed to sell products that make fun of my existence and get PAID for it :)

I love when clothing websites allow this to be the most popular and promoted representation we get over actually disabled artists :)

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:) And then the sellers claim that this is "representation" and "awareness" :)

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Fun new tic: high-pitched "rrrrrr" which is somehow very loud.

What makes this so funny, you might ask

1. I have chronic (motor) tic disorder. Didn't sign up to have vocal tics.

2. "Inability to pronounce alveoral trill correctly", also known as a bad translation of ärrävika, so it's not actually "rrrrrr" but rather high-pitched gurgling deep from my throat

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Me: oh yeah, my greatest fear is dying via asphyxiation haha, luckily there's a pretty slim chance of that ever happeni-



Tourettes: :)

Me: um..

Tourettes: *develops a choking tic*

Me: Hm :(

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bro if ur gonna make a tourettic character only to be the comic relief at least do it right. 'haha coprolalia funny' is so overdone and unoriginal. be creative. just make a funny character already and then you can do SOME gags with their tics.

not every tic has to be funny bro but every day i wake up and get a mug of water to simulate the feeling of having coffee. and about 40% of the time i just turn the mug over and have to clean up water, sometimes multiple times in a row. i always pretend im in a sitcom and there's a laugh track and i think that's a pretty fun gag. *flips mug over. looks into camera* its a running joke. or like, "you broke it?!" "i don't know why you keep handing me things i feel that we've established i'm not the best with fragile items." i think deadpan delivery reactions for tics is good.

a tourettic character who makes up increasingly weirder and crazier stories for why they're 'doing that' like c'mon that shits hilarious utilize that. or the classic 'ok, don't move a muscle, i'll be right back' 'i physically can't do that but okay.' any sort of 'keep ur eyes open' or whatever phrase should always be responded to with a 'no' even if its figurative, especially if its figurative.

"can you shut the fuck up?!" "no :/"

none of the characters remember some long sequence of words or code or whatever but the tourettic character picked it up as a tic. seriously, tics can remember or even do things that you don't know how to do. i've ticced entire conversations before having only listened to them once, but i couldn't recite them on my own. i cant whistle but i can when i tic. there are all sorts of things you could do with that.

y'know just.. don't make their tourettes their only funny quality. they're funny already as a character, but because they have tourettes and tourettes is a part of them i think it can be used for jokes too. because honestly what makes having ts easier is all the great jokes you can make about it. make the jokes a for ppl with tourettes to laugh at, not for ppl to laugh at tourettes.

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Tic of the day:

" Baba Yaga come steal my children"

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Hablar por teléfono con alguien que tiene hijos, es como hablar con alguien que tiene síndrome de Tourette. Es algo como:

— Si, normal, me avisas cuan...


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Metalstorm the Destruction of Jared-Syn (1983)

Try as they might, the Tourettes Brothers could never quite get into the rhythm like the Roxbury Guys.

More tomfoolery at https://damnablehumbuggery.com

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life with tourette's

*Loud Noise*

Me: *does nothing*

Me: (to me) Thank you for not screaming this time.

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Reactions from The Ableds (tm) to my disabilities:

Autism: "Ok, what day of the week was I born?"

Tourette's: "So you shout random swear words?"

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: "What's that?"

Dyspraxia: used to be "What's that?"; now it's sometimes also "Oh, like that guy from Doctor Who?"

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Here is a small bit of my latest creation.

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My tics when I'm alone:

My tics during online class: NOW IT'S TIME TO GET FUNKY

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Yesterday I got a new tic for the first time in four years, apparently my Tourette's is making a resurgence.

Okay but get this... I just full out annoying chick in a cheesy horror movie shrieked like twelve times on the way home.

Second day in a row.

I hope it goes away before I get to the point of people are so used to my screaming for no reason that I'm getting threatened with a knife and no one bats an eye. Think that's a good goal.

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Parallel parking be like

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My autistic brain when somebody says something that triggers my fandom related echolalia:


Alternatively, could this be what somebody with Tourettes feels like when a tic builds up and happens?

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Mama i love lee!! Hes so cute but like,,,, doctors are scary man!!!! They have needles and they like to poke at you!! Ugh everytime i have to go in for anything im shaking like a leaf because im so scared, even if i know that i dont even need a shot

"Oh? Are you alright?" Lee asks with a concerned, furrowed brow, watching as you shiver in your seat. He clicks his pen as he checks the chart given to him, tilting his head as he looks through.

"No fever recorded…nothing about you having a history of Tourette's…is it just that cold in here?" He asked with a more upturned lip, giving a warm laugh as he places the chart down on the table "or do I scare you?".

You blush with a meek expression, looking away to the far corner as you try to muster up the nerve to answer him without making a fool of yourself. "Did…you really have to do the whole…pretending to look thing?" You managed, hating that your voice felt stuck in your throat with every breath.

Lee gave a lighthearted smile and shrugged "Apologies. I thought a little humor would lighten the mood. This is our first meeting after all, I wanted to make it a little more casual".

Hmph. Well he isn't very funny. Not for that joke anyway. You try to get your blush to die down as you force eye contact with the admittedly handsome doctor, but it only made it worse. He was just so stunning with those vibrant, piercing eyes and how he was built. Strong, a bit of muscle, a smile that felt sincere and a stance that said he wasn't a threat.

Shit- wait no no NO! You are NOT getting a crush on a doctor! Especially like it's a fan fiction romance! He's just here to meet you and check you over, that's it!

In the back of your mind you knew he was saying something, but you couldn't really make it out. A little too lost in the fantasy of actually liking a doctors visit for once.

"I-I'm sorry what was that?" You timidly ask, wanting to curl up and die as the doctor looked amused and arched and eyebrow.

"I asked if you had any changes to your medicine. You get enough sleep? You might need a more personal check up if you aren't feeling well"

"No! No I was just lost in thought! I'm sorry!"

Lee just gives another amused smile and waves dismissively "you're fine! I'm just teasing! Just relax ok? I'm not anything to be afraid of".

(But he is but shhh we don't need to know that - Mommabean)

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Hi everybody! Here's a very important fact about tourettes!


I've had tourettes since I was a toddler ( was probably born with it but that's when people started noticing.) Nearly all my tics are physical. When I have told people I have tourette, which isn't often because of the stigma and misunderstanding around it, a lot of people say stuff like "um but you dont yell swear words" and assume I'm lying.

Tourettes is chatactorised by involuntary repetative movements called tics (yes, spelled like that.) Verbal tics are portrayed the most in media because they are usually the most obvious, and because people are like "haha this character yells sexual things that's so funny," cause they're insensative asshole dumdums. (Side note: many people with tourettes do like to make jokes about their tics and think they are funny, but that is totally up to that person and they are not obligated to have a sense of humor about it, and is not permission for you to be an asshole.)

Verbal tics are not always "inapropriate." Sometimes they are repeating word many times after you say it. Sometimes it's a quote from a movie or song or video game. Sometimes it's just a random word or phrase.

Vocal tics are slightly different (this might not be the completely correct terminology but it's how me and my other TS friends have always talked about them.) They involve involuntary sounds, but not neccesarily words, like whooping, coughing, laughing, clicking, imitsting noises, etc.

Physical tics are extremely common. They can be pretty much anything. My most frequent ones are scrunching up my nose, blinking/winking rapidly, rolling my shoulder back in a cirxle and hitting my upper arm against my side on the way forward, full body shivers, and blurring my eyes. Other common ones are clicking ankles or knees together, shaking your head back and forth, and sometimes hitting yourself or objects.

These are all completely valid forms of tourettes!!!! And they are qll completely involuntary. That means that people with tourettes DO NOT HAVE CONTROL OVER THEM. This is not a situation of "well I know you have a mental illness but it's still your responsibility to try and get better and not do things that hurt other people," or "you wouldn't have said that offensive word if it wasn't something you already thought and had in your vocabulary." It is a literal motor disorder and there is no part of the person with tourettes that has made the conscious intentional decision to do these things.

All these types of tics can be very hard to live with, so if someone trusts you enough to tell you about their TS, don't be an asshole and accuse them of lying because you haven't done your research. Everyone can and should reblog.

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Zukka Fic Rec List - Established Relationship (Part 1)

Breaking The News by JustGettingBy / @snailwriter

Available on Ao3, Teen, Complete, Fluff, Humour / Humor

Wordcount: 5,958

The public become convinced that Zuko and Sokka are enemies and gossip abounds. Lovely fic, well-structured and I like the dialogue. Made me snort!

say you want passion by @dickpuncher420

Available on Ao3, Explicit, Complete, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Trans Zuko, Post-Canon

Wordcount: 7,202

Zuko and Sokka decide to forgo a party to spend some quality time in the bedroom! We all know that this creator is amazing, and that we're blessed to have their creations for this pairing, but I want to squeeze this fic in particular in my hands so tight that my knuckles hurt. This one might just make you sweat. ;)

Hugs Are Food for the Soul by RejectsCanon

Available on Ao3, Gen, Complete, Modern AU, Domestic, Fluff, Pet Names

Wordcount: 1,569

Sokka and Zuko snuggle and it is lovely. Reading this makes me feel like I'm getting a hug myself.

hands, knees, please, tangerine by leapordfringe / @chitsangenthusiast

Available on Ao3, Explicit, Complete, PWP, Post-Canon, Office Sex

Wordcount: 7,936

Very fun banter and hotnesssssss. Excellent writing and characterisation, love the dialogue, and made me smile! Also, introduced me to one of my new favourite songs!

Take My Hand, Take Tonight by CSHFic and VSFic

Available on Ao3, Teen, Complete, Post-War, Fire Nation, H/C, Chronic Pain, Medicinal Drug Use, Ambassador Sokka, H/C

Wordcount: 6,519

Zukka and Sokka share their cultures. I adore everything these authors have written, and this is no exception. For this fic in particular, I love the depth the authors create in this fic, both in the relationships and the world-building.

Put Away Wet by Haicrescendo / @sword-and-stars

Available on Ao3, Complete, Explicit, PWP, Post-Canon, Praise Kink, Blow Jobs, Rimming

Wordcount: 3,173

Haicrescendo's titles have a way of making me choke before I even start reading lmao. I'm sure everyone has already read at least a few works from this author, they are widely loved (as they should be), but I would still like to rec them because their work is great and they deserve it! This fic is hot as heck, and also very sweet, which the author balances skilfully (all things in harmony haha) - best of both worlds!

free ourselves of all we learned by inbetweenthestacks

Available on Ao3, Mature, Complete, Secret Relationship, Jealousy, Post-Canon, Ambassador Sokka,

Wordcount: 3,757

Zuko gets jealous at a soirée. ;) Steamy and feelsy.

Golden by alligator_writes / @alligator-writes

Available on Ao3, Teen, Complete, Sokka Finds Out About Zuko's Scar, Sokka Has ADHD, Impled/Referenced Child Abuse, H/C, Modern AU

Wordcount: 2,786

Sokka does Zuko's makeup. Y'all, this one is so heart-warming and I love the writing and the way the author laid out the scenes.

Hands by @kalira

Available on Ao3, Complete, Teen, Alcohol / Drinking, Humour / Humor

Wordcount: 1,685

The GAang are drinking. Suuuch a cute fic, and gave me a good little chuckle haha.

the urge to love you is stronger by thatwasanticlimactic / @that-was-anticlimactic

Available on Ao3, Gen, Complete, Sokka Has Tourette's and ADHD, Preminatory Urge, Post-Canon, Fire Lord Zuko, H/C

Wordcount: 3,113

Sokka has a preminatory urge (a symptom of Tourette's) during a council meeting. Very sweet, lovely h/c. Love this author's work.

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𝕋𝕚𝕔𝕔𝕚 𝕋𝕠𝕓𝕪 𝔹𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕔 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤

[TW for discussions of Child Abuse and it's effects, if you don't wish to read any references to these topics parts skip over any text in italics.]

Toby's a short lad, standing at about 5′9. He's almost always slouching though, so he usually hovers around 5′8.

Very lanky, with a short torso and longer legs. He's very lithe and bony, not to the point where he's emaciated but he's definitely on the thin side

that being said don't think for a second that makes him an easy target. what he doesn't have in muscle power he makes up for in agility, endurance, and sheer force of will. getting him down is one thing, keeping him down is the hard part.

absolutely covered in freckles. most of his freckles are on his face, shoulders, back and upper chest, but he's got them pretty much everywhere.

Toby's covered in all sorts of scars, due to his CIPA and general carelessness. his shoulders and back in particular are also littered with small cigarette burns. he doesn't like to talk about it.

Toby is NOT Schizophrenic, or Bipolar. his symptoms are a result of slender sickness.

These disorders are highly stigmatized and I will not ever write them within the context they are described most often used in his character

Toby doesn't have Tourette's either, as he doesn't have vocal tics. he does however, have chronic motor tics (Persistent Motor Tic Disorder).

Toby's very reserved and avoidant of people he doesn't know, but he's especially skittish around older men.

Toby doesn't take well to people who drink and/or smoke a lot. also not a fan of high fives, or raised hands in general.

That being said, he's actually a pretty funny guy to hang around if you put the extra time and effort into getting to know him.

very sarcastic, dramatic sense of humor

Loves to tease and poke fun at people, friends or not

Toby doesn't like being told what to do. unless it's from a superior or slender himself, he doesn't do orders.

really though, he loves to never ever do as he's told. if you tell him something's red he'll say it's blue.

in other words, Toby's an absolute brat

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⚠️ Video Archives within the reblog⚠️

Concerning Amounts of Ableism within Helluva Boss.

After my last post, ive realized that Mooxie is oddly autism coded, and from "oddly" I mean that they gave him many treats that we (I am neurodivergent) have but at the same time shove in slurs and insults that are used towards people with autism, and worse of all, justify it without showing said character who are saying said ableism as wrong for saying it, but as "quirky" or "cute". Its like making a character have tourettes just because you wanted to put sterotypes in a show against people with tourettes, except its with autism with how they called him "slow', "smooth brain" and a "r***ard" multiple times, not "stupid", but specifically chose slurs that are used against neurodivergent people.

They had ableism with this character MULTIPLE TIMES. This is legit discriminatory writing (I dont care who tells me "theyre in hell they bad people!" im not talking about the fictional characters, im talking about the REAL PEOPLE who wrote him to say those things to write ableism into their show, and in real life, are ok with said ableism. Otherwise, they wouldn't have deliberately wrote terms that are used to mock those who have autism, not as a joke with a actual punchline (dark humor), but things that are done to mock people for having autism, using said character to mock people with said mental disorder (like how people use caricatures to show discriminatory messages towards their audience.) writing something like that because they just wanted to use their show to mock people for having said disorder.

I know people say "viv is racist she's homophobic" with absolutely no evidence, and screw those people. But this is that one case wheres theres SO MANY SLURS and insults here in this show that are used against said minority group that it's not bad representation done by accident, but borderline discrimination against those with said mental disorder on multiple occasions.

There's a difference between writing a character that's a jerk who's called out on their actions or given karma for it, or says "silly" insults for a laugh, and writing certain things into the script of a show as an outlet for you, the writer, to have an excuse to show unnecessary hatred towards a minority group. Mooxie is even shown to hyperfixate and have special interests (guns, theatre, war history.) and social problems. It almost felt like they knew what they were doing, like they wanted to write him as autistic, not to represent us, but to use him as a punching bag to throw slurs and insults that are used on us into the script so they could have a place to write hatred towards people with autism and to spread said ableist messages to other people who share the same mindset.

One more thing: Before people say "But Viv has-" She has adhd, not autism. You do know that people with neurodivergence do have the ability to be ableist towards those with other disabilIties… right? Also, the person who wrote the "comedy" was Brandon Rodgers, a Youtuber who (as far as we know) is neurotypical and clearly tries very hard to be "edgy", but as a result of said tryhard nature he tends to spread extremely toxic messages towards his audience that causes them to be ok with some of said behavior.

To the point where not long after Helluva's Pilot was released (sorry, the screenshot was lost when my last computer had broke.) a fan called someone the r slur without hesitation, including a reference to the scene where they got the slur from, Helluva Boss. Along with another fan using it towards people who critique the show. This actually caused real life discrimination to happen. Just goes to show that yes: There is such a thing as "taking things too far" with dark humor, especially if it further causes discrimination towards a real life minority group due to it not being a joke involving them, but about how they are said group, or just for being from said group in general, which is still discrimination.

Ableism is not a joke, ableism is prejudice and causes people to get hurt emotionally, and physically no matter where its from, remember that whenever you see things like this being used against those with neurodivergency.

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Source: https://www.tumgir.com/tag/tourettes%20humor

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